Easy Ways to Use an Online Photo Compressor to Get Low-Quality Images

If you are looking for easy ways to get low-quality photos by using an online photo compressor, you are in the perfect place. Today, we will suggest some easy ways here, so keep reading! Everyone wants HD quality when taking photos because they are aesthetically pleasing. However, images do play an exceptional role when it comes to your website and its SEO ranking. But when it comes to your website pictures, these high-quality images can overload your website server. So, it is crucial to upload optimized images on your website with compressed sizes.

Why Do We Need Low-Quality Images?

Lower-resolution images have small sizes that don’t overload the website server. They are easier and faster to process and take a few seconds to load. Low-quality images consume less data as compared to HD images. They make a web page load quickly and increase the user experience. So, image compression is becoming a widely accepted technique for website owners to get better SEO rankings.

Significance of Online Photo Compressor

This image size reducer has a technique to compress images online effectively. In image compression, the image size is reduced while maintaining quality without causing any visible change. Low-quality images can readily work with old software, and ultrabooks handle small-sized files easily.

Compressed images load faster and do not overload the server due to their small size. Image compressor tool is significant because certain websites have size limits. So, it is no longer a challenge to compress HD images into low-quality images with the right file compressor.

Top Easy Ways to Get Low-Quality Images

You can get low-quality images by using an image compressor that uses trendy compressing algorithms and optimizing tricks to make your low-quality images still catchy for the audience of your website. 

  1. ImageDiamond 

This provides you with the fastest image compression online of all your selected multiple images at the same time in a few minutes. It adjusts the size of photos and makes them occupy less space on your website. You can efficiently compress images website’s performance by uploading more images without worrying about the server’s speed. This online photo compressor is a trustworthy tool that will reduce image file size of your JPEG and PNG pictures for free.

  1. PicWish  

PicWish is an easy and efficient online file compressor. It is a trusted platform that reduces size of images using advanced AI algorithms within seconds. It supports jpeg, png, and jpg file formats. PicWish is a free image size reducer tool that won’t charge you a single penny. It has a user-friendly interface to compress image without losing quality. This online photo compressor is best for maintaining a balance between file size and image quality.

  1. Pixelied   

Pixelied is another image size reducer that can lower image dimensions so that they are quick to load for the website’s users. Pixelied is a perfect solution to compress image size online for free. It also has a photo resizing feature that can fit your image up to any size without losing the visual quality. This image file size reducer helps you make your website more responsive and generate more revenue by compressing photos.

Pros of Image Compression

Image compression plays an essential role in the official running of a website. Below, I have listed a few pros of image compression.

  • They help a website load faster and increase user experience.
  • Compressed images save more storage space on your server.
  • It saves your time invested in uploading and downloading images.
  • You can also advertise compressed images on social media to increase the bounce rate of your website.
  • Compressed images are highly responsive to digital devices and consume less data to load.

Final Word  

Images take up a lot of storage after videos on your website. Image Optimization is one of the best ways to Speed up your Website. High-quality images can slow down your web page and increase the bounce rate of your website. However, optimizing the images makes your website load faster and gets you a better SEO ranking. Image compression is an influential factor in getting an optimized website. You can use any of the above-discussed online photo compressor tools. They are user-friendly and free to use.   

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