Is ZEDGE App Safe To Use In 2024?

We all love to change wallpapers on our desktop & mobile devices. There are tons of websites and mobile applications to download wallpapers. But, ZEDGE is one of the most significant sources of ringtones & 4K wallpaper.

If you know, this website is only a wallpaper site. You don’t have important information about ZEDGE because Not Only Wallpapers, mobile ringtones & videos are also available on their website. On top of that, ZEDGE has their mobile phone application for Android & IOS.

They have fantastic stuff on their website and mobile app. But most people are saying that it is not safe to use. But nobody answering the question ‘Why ZEDGE is not safe to use?’

If you are searching for the answer to this question, then you are on the right article. In this article, you will have in-depth information about ZEDGE website & application. As well, Full details about ZEDGE is safe or not & why? 

Let’s start with the introduction of ZEDGE.

ZEDGE: Information That You Need To Know

ZEDGE is a website and mobile application. ZEDGE provides too many wallpapers, Live wallpapers, Ringtones & videos on their website and mobile app. 

As well, you can see a massive list of stickers in their application. With these stickers, you can make your wallpapers in this app. 

They have 430+ million downloads and 30+ million actives users on their mobile app. This app gives you full HD & 4k wallpaper, live wallpapers, ringtones & videos.

ZEDGE application has a sample and cool interface. Live background wallpaper on the home screen makes this application more attractive. On top of that, several categories and a search bar to find perfect wallpaper, ringtones, and videos for your mobile phone. 

ZEDGE Premium wallpapers
ZEDGE Premium Wallpapers

ZEDGE gives several wallpapers free to download and have some premium wallpapers that you can get with their premium plans. But if you don’t have money or you don’t want to buy their plans. Then you have to watch ads, and you will be able to download their premium stuff. 

Moreover, you can upload content on their app and share with users of ZEDGE. 

ZEDGE Premium Plans

ZEDGE provides two plans first is monthly and second yearly. Both plans carry the same benefits at different prices. Monthly costs 85 rupees and yearly plan costs 199. In this case, you can save up to 60% on an annual plan.

ZEDGE Premium Plans
ZEDGE Premium Plans

In the premium plan, you can have ads-free experience, faster browsing & downloading and premium stuff. All this information is mentioned in the given screenshot.

Is ZEDGE Available In The Play Store & App Store? 

YES, it is available on both play store and app store. You can download it easily on your mobile phone and download the fantastic wallpapers for your android and iPhone.

ZEDGE on play store
ZEDGE on play store

Is ZEDGE Safe To Use On Mobile Phones?

There are too many rumours about the ZEDGE, as ZEDGE is not safe to use, which is entirely wrong. 

You can use this application on your mobile without any worry. But the thing is why people are saying this, that ZEDGE is not safe. The reason behind this is privacy. 

When someone buys ZEDGE premium plan, then he has to give some important details to the ZEDGE application. In my opinion, that is not safe.

Otherwise, you can use their application and enjoy the free stuff. But if you want to buy premium wallpapers, ringtones or videos, you can get them by watching some ads.

What is The Right Way To Use ZEDGE?

As I tell, you can use their application without any worry. In addition to that, you can download ZEDGE premium material. 

But if you don’t want to use their application because of any reason. Then you can use the ZEDGE website where you can find all free and premium wallpapers that are available in their application. 

Moreover, If you want to use their application, then don’t share your personal information with ZEDGE application at any cost. 

Is ZEDGE Website Safe?

YES, ZEDGE website is 100% safe to use. They have all wallpapers, live wallpapers, ringtones and videos in HD & 4k resolution. ZEDGE Website has all stuff that is on the ZEDGE application.

I hope this article clears you all your doubts about ZEDGE. If you have any other doubts about ZEDGE . Then you can ask in the comment section. We will reply to your question in 24 hours.

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