How To Make Money From Chrome Extensions 2024

In 2024 we have endless options to make money. You have heard some people making money from the internet.

Google is a successful company in internet marketing. It also makes other people successful.

People are making money from google by helping people through making videos, programming, etc.

Chrome extensions are one of the most underrated method for making money. Hny that is a chrome extension acquired by PayPal at 4 billion dollars.

YES, a chrome extension sold at 4 billion dollars. Not everyone can make that everyone can make billion of dollars using chrome extensions.

However, you can make to pay off your living.

How To Make Chrome Extension

For making a chrome extension you need to learn to program or hire someone online.

The idea is a crucial step. There are a lot of people you can make chrome extension as you provide instructions to them.

You can see some chrome extensions already available on the chrome store and having a good number of downloads.

How Chrome Extensions Make Money

Initially, I used to think that Google will pay you money for downloads because you have made something that will keep people busy on their platform.

However, there is nothing like it. And you should be thankful that Google doesn’t control monetization.

If Google has control over monetization then it will keep the big Piece of the cake.

Here are the methods of making money from chrome extensions.

  1. Paid Features
  2. Affiiate Marketing
  3. Advertisement
  4. Donation
  5. Bundling All of them
  6. Promote your main product

Paid Features: This is one of the best ways to make money from extensions. You can offer a free version with limited features and unlock all the features they have to purchase the full version.

A lot of successful chrome extensions follow this business model.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is basically selling other people’s products. In return, you will get a percentage of sales from the company.

Hny chrome extension was monetized by affiliate marketing. Basically, they provide coupon codes for products.

Through coupon code, it sells the other company’s product.

Advertisement: Ads are the simplest way to monetize chrome extension. Basically displaying ads when the user interact with your chrome extension.

If you are just getting started and test the chrome extension then you can go with this method.

It is straightforward and you don’t have to deal with customer support.

Donation: If you use a lot of chrome extensions then you have noticed the donation button on some extensions while interacting.

You can’t make a lot of money with this. However, there are some kinds of extensions that can’t be monetized nither by ads nor by the paid offers.

In this scenario, you can monetize by donations. Obviously, you will make less money but something is better than nothing.

Bundling all Together: You don’t have to depend upon one method for making money. You can offer a free version with ads and change money for more features & removing ads.

Promote main product: Some chrome extensions such as ubbersuggest are made to promote the main product.

Chrome extension is available as one of their feature.

Final Words

No doubt, It is all of trial and error. If you keep testing then you will definitely make much more money than what you can suppose at the first place.

I hope you got value from this article. If you have any questions or query then let me know by the comment sections.

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