These funny pictures say it all about being a parent

Dear Pandas, being a parent is one of the biggest and most fun challenges you’ll ever face. Being responsible for another person is both exciting and tiring. One minute, you’re filled with pride when your child says their first words, and the next, you’re cleaning spaghetti and meatball stains off the ceiling. Even though every family is different, many parents can still understand each other because they face similar problems.

That’s where the Facebook group “Parental Humor Memes” comes in. It’s a group of more than 630k people who talk about the best and worst parts of being a parent. If you have kids or know someone who does, these will make you laugh and nod your head.

You can find a lot of useful information about being a parent. After all, it’s not easy at all to raise a person. Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful things in the world, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Scroll down for some memes that you’ll want to send to all of your parent friends, as well as an interview with Dan Bacon, the founder of The Modern Man and a relationship expert and father of two, about being a parent. So, here is a list of pictures that everyone should look at before they have kids.

2. Peekaboo

When this parent went to the bathroom, they forgot to close the door behind them. When you have kids, you’ll see this a lot. The kid on the door looks like a salesman who is trying to get into the house without being invited. The kid must have been like, “Excuse me, sir, but have you read this new book called “Let Your Child Do Everything?”

3. Going Opposite

We all know that a playpen is a good way to keep kids from crawling away or hurting themselves. But we didn’t know that it could also keep the kids away from the parents. This parent found a great way to keep toddlers from getting hurt at work. If you want to have kids, you might want to try this method as well.

4. That’s One Way To Do It

You can find the TV remote when you are doing something else, but you can’t find it when you want to watch TV. When there are kids in the house, the remote can go missing often. This is one of the best ways to keep the remote from getting lost that you’ll find.

5. It is So True

You might laugh at it now, but when it happens to you, you won’t be laughing anymore. And yes, this is a real picture of a parent waiting for his daughter to finish her homework.

6. Keep Everything Away from These Little Monsters

This is what parenting a 3-year-old looks (and feels) like. Goodbye, sweet strawberries. On the bright side, we think it’s good that the child ate fruit instead of candy.

7. Kids Are Like Little Angels…Really?

Every parent can relate to this picture, and they can even hear the child crying. This parent used a decibel metre to show how hard parenting is (but it is 1000 times more beautiful than roses).

8. A Glance At What It Looks To Be A Parent

If you want to look at a picture that sums up what it’s like to be a parent, this one is perfect. The look on her face when both brothers are fighting says, “Who told me to be a parent?” This is very funny.

9. The Irony

Oh, I think this is one of the funniest photos on our list. This book is no longer safe for babies, and now we can’t stop laughing. Also, when the parent went into the bathroom, she found her sweet child “washing” a book he had found.

10. It Won’t Happen Again…You Wish

This naive parent thinks that she forgot to put up the baby gate once and that it won’t happen again. We want her to know that it will happen again, and she will have to clean up after it. Remember that kids look for chances, and if they don’t find them, they make them.

11. Time to Make Mismatched Pair

This parent found 30 pairs of socks that belonged to her kids, but not a single pair was whole. She has no idea why she bought so many socks. Well, the best thing to do is make the kid wear socks that don’t match.

12. Stubborn Kid

This tired dad finally got one of his kids to sleep, but the other one just won’t go to sleep. The dad’s face tells the whole story, so we don’t need to say anything else.

13. Banana-on-a-cob!

This parent swears he has no idea when or how his child learned to eat this way. The child might think that bananas have seeds and not want to eat them. In reality, we will never know.

14. ‘Mom, I’m Done Eating My Apple”

This mom told her son to eat his apple several times. So when he said, “I’m done with it,” she thought he must have eaten at least half of the apple. She came to find out this—just a little bit. If it were candy, there wouldn’t be any left.

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