Privacy Policy

Thank you for taking an interest in ImageDiamond. We respect and care about your privacy, so we created this privacy policy to inform you how we collect, use, and share your information. This privacy policy applies to all users of ImageDiamon. Please read it with concentration to understand our use of your personal information. We may update this privacy policy from time to time, so you must be sure to check it once a week.

Collection of Data

We collect different data from you to give you a better user experience. We automatically collect your information when you use, visit, sign up, or purchase a subscription from our tool. We may collect your device name, language preference, IP address, browser information, etc. This information doesn’t reveal your identity. We need this information to solve the problems faced by our users and provide them with a seamless experience.

How Do We Use the Collected Information?

We use the collected information in several ways. ImageDiamond uses your information to:

Disclosure of Data

As we already told you, we will never disclose our user's information to any third party without permission. But we may share your data in response to valid requests by public authorities. We can also disclose your personal information to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding violations of our policy, fraud, etc. Other than these, we may process your data to achieve our legitimate business interests.

Security of Data

ImageDiamond works hard to secure your personal information. We use advanced techniques to protect the security of any individual’s data we process. But keep in mind that the internet is 100% safe and secure. We will do our best to keep your information safe, but ImageDiamond will not be responsible for lost or stolen passwords.

Link to Other Sites

There may be links on our website to unrelated third-party websites. A link will take you to the other website when you click on it. We suggest you check out the privacy policy of any website you visit. We're not responsible for what those other websites do or what they have on their websites.

Changes to Our Policy

We have the right to update this privacy policy anytime we want. That’s why we advise you to check our privacy policy once a week to keep up with the new privacy policy regarding your information. When we update our privacy policy, we will show the new “Revised Date.” And it will start working as soon as you see it.

Contact Us

Thank you for reading ImageDiamond’s privacy policy. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about it. Use our Contact Us page to reach out to us.